Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
If it's a rhetoric class, you want to be setting your quotes according to MLA guidelines, unless your professor has specified a preference for the APA. Remember, any quote longer than 3 lines gets off-set.
Here is my favorite website for MLA style: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handou...rch/r_mla.html
You definitely need to break up your paragraphs. Just looking at them scares me away. I also noticed some issues with punctuation--forgotten commas, an oddly placed semi-colon...go back over it and look thoroughly to see what you might have missed.
As a side note, Ben: for a 400-level paper, he should be consulting between 5-10 sources, with a preference towards print. More sources never hurts though 
I can't find the punctuation errors unfortunately. In my head it all seems to work out, but hopefully they're not too noticable.
This paper is for English 105, not a higher level class. It's simply a 3-5 page paper trying to prove or disprove a point.
For this paper, I don't really need criticism on whether it's proven it's point as to what the Just War theory is (though I explain what I'm citing in the second paragraph)-
"For an attacking nation to be considered moral, they must follow the ideas of noncombatant immunity, the philosophy that military personnel must not directly attack civilians and must also minimize and avoid harm to non-combatants. It must also not use more force than necessary to attain a military objective; in essence the military must “avoid disproportionate collateral damage to civilian life and property” (U.S. Bishops 81). "
Anyway - I've fixed the MLA errors, and I'm glad you commented on that or I would have forgotten to do that.