I see that you are using some quotes, but not where (and more importantly, how) I want them.
Ensure that you are using the proper citation protocol (for example, the APA) as dictated by your professor.
Please cite the JUST WAR thoery that your argument surrounds. If you don't, then your JW theory may differ from mine, and the argument becomes moot.
Essay like this, you should have about a dozen more citations. Am I going overboard here because I have suffered the wrath of graduate school? Possibly.
Finally, you take the stance that Japan would have surrendered anyway, making the atomic bomb the worst possible action. Please dig into the rationale behind that theory, and quote some juicy propositions. Why did someone say that Japan was going to surrender? What do the author's critics say?
Basically a good paper, depending on the year you are in and the original assignment question. Please explain the Just War theory, tell me when it was devised, who devised it, what weight it had in the context of WWII, et cetera.
For an excellent ending/conclusion, tell us what you would have done to keep the Just War thoery in place and still fulfill the mission: Get Japan to surrender. Cite the sources (I guarantee you that you will not be the first one to think of that way to write history. If you are, you have a Phd thesis waiting for you.)
Were medical facilities intentionally targetted in Hiroshima/Nagasaki? If they were, cite the source that says that. If they were collateral damage(cite that source), explain that the "Collateral Damage" from nuclear munitions has severe consequences, and then talk about the percentage of medical personnel killed.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.