One other point.
Latin for 'Swan' is cygnus.
Cynus is also known as the north star and Cygnus x1 is a suspected black hole within our own galaxy.
Anyone notice anything familiar with this?
"Cycnus, Poseidon's son, had been exposed at birth, lain out on the seashore to die. However, a swan took pity and flew down to care for the newborn.
Cycnus became the king of Colonae, a city north of Troy, but he wasn't a particularly good king. He set his own children adrift on the sea when his new wife fell in love with one of his sons (Tenes). He then killed his wife when he found she had lied to him.
Cycnus defended Troy when Achilles' onslaught. However in their individual struggle, Achilles proved too strong, as he choked the life out of Cycnus. Poseidon grieved for his son and turned him into a swan."