Originally Posted by Poppinjay
Cheney can talk about Plame. Cheney can't say, "tell Rove to leak that Plame is an agent."
When he is under oath, he'll certainly deny he said anything like that.
Oh, and the lie about the leak coming from the press? Real nice. Thanks, Bush administration, I don't knock the hookers off the grill when you're working.
He doesn't have to, its not a leak. A month before Novak got plame's name from someone in the whitehouse, wilson was at a democratic fundraiser and in a speach he gave he "outed" his own wife as a CIA agent.
Don't you guys see, there was no crime here, and if there was wilson should be indicted first, for he let her name out before anyone else. But she wasn't a covert agent at the time, and hadn't been for half a decade. Like I said. Its all just a game and the democrats keep trying to get some kind of accusation to stick because they can't win at the ballot box.