If libby is guilty of perjury he should go to jail. Cheney talking about Plame is not illegal since he is privy to that sort of information. The only wrong-doing in this whole mess is the attempt to "cover-up" the "source."
A. Its not illegal to disclose the name of a covert agent if it is unknown that that person was covert.
B. Plame was not covert at the time her name was "leaked" to the media. She was covert in the past. But for the previous five years she worked in Langly, VA. Her friends and family knew this. How is that covert?
The dems keep throwing scandle after scandle at the bush administration, hoping one will stick. I personally hope there are indictments in this case, and not for obstruction of justice or some small potatoes, I want to see indictments for outing plame so that fitzgerald gets torn a new one (metaphorically speaking) in the courtroom. But that is precisely why we wont see any indictments handed down, other than possibly one for scooter, if he did in fact lie under oath.
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser