Originally Posted by raeanna74
Communicate as sensitively, clearly and frequently as you can and if they still can't handle it you will have to steal yourself to ignore the complaints.
Yep. I also like ScottKuma's:
Originally Posted by ScottKuma
Don't worry too much about someone getting insulted; they were bound to get insulted somewhere down the line anyhow. This is about you creating traditions with YOUR family, not continuing their traditions.
I say, be as kind as you can, include various family members/expectations/traditions when possible, but in the end it is still your life, and it comes down to you and your wife's decision together... you're not married to her parents, nor is she to yours. Trading off holidays every other year is a good idea, too. But I think your nuclear family comes first, always.
That said, we used to do the whole morning-at-home, afternoon-at-grandparent's, when I was a kid, and I didn't mind much at all. More presents!!