Actually, now I have a puzzler for all of you:
Taking the above example, let's say you have two boxes of light in the car--once vertically aligned, one horizontal, but otherwise identical. Your friend shoots a beam of light out of both boxes at the same time. Photosensitive sensors are located on the far-end mirrors of both boxes, which immediately turn on flashlights located at the top of the boxes. These flashlights are pointed at another sensor right in the middle of these two boxes, which will display a big 'H' if the flashlight on top of the box with horizontally aligned mirrors reaches the sensor first, a big 'V' if the flashlight from the vertically aligned box does, or a big 'E' if the two reach simultaneously.
What letter does your friend see? What letter do you see? What would happen if, instead of flashlights, you had rubber balls that were kicked towards the sensor via some kind of kicking mechanism?
oh baby oh baby, i like gravy.