My first time was in a graveyard.
On top of a monument slab.
I was just out of H.S., working at Kroger. (Thats where i met 'just call me KY' Kendra.) Yes that was actually her nick-name. Like the jelly.
Anyway, we worked nights together, and started talking, and eventualy we decided to go hang out at one of the local parks together. After the cops chased us out, (Park closed.) we went to a cemetary by my house and had sex.
It was miserable.
First off, i didn't get off.
Second, she didn't seem to care about that fact.
Third, i didn't realize it at the time but i was still smarting after the way my last g/f trashed me. (Explains why i went out with someone that might not have been the best choice.)\
I tried calling her after that, like we were dating or something, but she was not interested. Grrrr.
Things got steadily better after that, though.