Originally Posted by j8ear
I'm gonna have to go with just about anything by Chuck Mangione. Especially "Feels so Good."
/Man does this compilation, so far, make feel like a freaking geezer! Old guy signing off for now,
Good one! Yes, I am in the midst of recording all of my vinyl onto CDs, and went down memory lane with "Feels So Good" over the weekend. Brought me back to days in residence at university, when we would put that disk on repeat, and drink a 12 pack to it.
I wanted to add to this list some of the works by Focus. Not really the yodelling song (Hokus Pokus) as I think that it self-disqualifies itself by way of that afformentioned yodelling (not that the base line doesn't rock) but I really like the instrumental called Focus III.
This band is essentially vintage 70's prog rock, and it's flute and renaissance inspired melodies pre-date Beck. But they sure rocked!
PS, J8, you're not that old. I bet that we could trade some trivia back and forth...