No disrespect, HoneyPot, but you seem to fret an awful lot about this boy..known a few weeks? Your first post was made on October 10 that you saw him Friday, which would have been Oct.7, so 16 days is NOT a few weeks, it's a few days. And, to quote from that thread, " He called the next day 3 times... I was totally stoked. We met up that night again. I ended up going to an after party and had a blast with him. I went back to his place and stayed the night. I behaved myself... he was very sweet about it... Don't get me wrong we did fool around and have a little fun, but I couldn't go all the way because I was surfing the crimson tide."
So, yea, you're going way too fast, specially if you keep thinking and rethinking and wondering about 'the next move'.
And I would respectfully ask that you not put words where I did not say them. I'm pretty upfront. If I was to use that word, I would have.....All I'm saying is, slow down.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.