After watching most of the adult evening television
programs on ABC,CBS and NBC I can sum them all up by
saying: They are all too long, too boring and none
of the mystery,Sci-Fi and Alien invasion types have
any of the "X-FILES" qualities in them. Fire all of
the writers and send out for CHRIS CARTER at once!
Perhaps he might start a crash course for TV Program
writers and instruct the other "Writers" in how to
form interesting,scare-your-pants-off stories. IF
you don't remember Chris Carter was the creator of
the great X-FILES TV series. He had one hour,almost
complete stories in his series that had scary beings,
good actors,mysterious government cigarette smoking
men, alien/horrible monsters and lots of twists and
turns with NO FLASHBACKS that do not add much to the
story except take up time.
NIGHT STALKER is a horrible show of the 1965 original
that had lots of interesting things going for it.
LOST is goofy with all of the many characters that no
one cares about and the constant FLASH BACKS keep coming
up to take up time and try to build character background.
INVASION, SURFACE and THRESHOLD are endless hours of many
people talking about weird events, with NO action taken.
GHOST WHISPERER is very predictable each week. No surprises.
The only good thing about this show is the star: Jennifer
Love Hewitt.
Well what do I like on TV? The ONLY interesting,
entertaining shows on broadcast TV are: DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES