Originally Posted by albania
I do have the brains so I guess I’ll keep on denigrating. A meteorologist is one who studies meteorology and forecasts the weather. A weatherman just forecasts the weather. Guess who I was talking about. See from the way I look at it means that a meteorologist has to be a weatherman, but a weatherman doesn’t necessarily have to be a meteorologist. I agree those in the hurricanes aren’t meteorologists, I would call them weathermen, but you seem to have a problem with the definition of weatherman. Although I’ll admit that some dictionaries do have the words weatherman and meteorologist as synonyms I see how that could be confusing. I don’t need advise if I did I’d ask for it. That’s all I have to say about that.
P.S. Sorry to highjack the thread, it wasn't my intial intention.
I'm glad to see that you know the difference between a meterologist and a weatherman. Most viewers don't, and that's to your credit. You seem to have trouble, however, with the difference between a weatherman and a reporter. Those guys out there getting blown around by hurricanes? Most of them are reporters. Not weathermen. The weathermen will usually still be back in the studio so they can point at their weather maps. And if you seriously think the reporters want to be standing in a hurricane, think again. It's their clueless bosses who've decided that's what most people want to see that are making them get out in that slop. And because of that the reporters (and photogs) have to live out of a sat truck for a week or so, eating beef jerky and granola bars and trying not to notice that the other guys in the truck smell as bad as they do. I don't really think they'd do that just to entertain. You make it sound like these guys are doing standup or juggling or something during the weathercast. Stations that want to win the weather block hire a meterologist and get all sorts of whizbang weather toys, then promo the hell out of them. They don't hire Bozo the Clown.