They mentioned on the Hotspot that the new Burnout looks alot better on XBox than some 360 games. The graphics don't really impress me nearly as much as PS3. It looks as much of a jump from Xbox to 360 as it is from PS2 to Xbox. Big deal. If I want to spend money on graphics, I'll get a PS3. I probably will too, eventually.
What really has me interested is the Revolution. Nintendo kind of lost me over the last few years, and recently. With the worthwhile games coming around for the DS, I bought myself a DS, and I'm actually looking at Nintendo again. After 2 years of not touching the Cube or GBA, all of a sudden I'm buying games I missed for them. The games I'm playing aren't like the games I play on PS2. Nintendogs, Warioware, Metroid Prime. There really aren't parallels on the other systems. I'd rather spend my money on the unique than on the same stuff I've been playing for the last decade.
I do it for the rare drops