Originally Posted by shakran
Ya know. . . . I have this strange theory that people who don't know what they're talking about probably shouldn't say too much on the subject. First, the reporters in hurricanes are usually not meteorologists. The meteorologists are back in the office monitoring the weather data. Second, unless you have the brains (I know I don't) to get a degree in meterology, you should probably avoid denigrating those who do.
I do have the brains so I guess I’ll keep on denigrating. A meteorologist is one who studies meteorology and forecasts the weather. A weatherman just forecasts the weather. Guess who I was talking about. See from the way I look at it means that a meteorologist has to be a weatherman, but a weatherman doesn’t necessarily have to be a meteorologist. I agree those in the hurricanes aren’t meteorologists, I would call them weathermen, but you seem to have a problem with the definition of weatherman. Although I’ll admit that some dictionaries do have the words weatherman and meteorologist as synonyms I see how that could be confusing. I don’t need advise if I did I’d ask for it. That’s all I have to say about that.
P.S. Sorry to highjack the thread, it wasn't my intial intention.