Originally Posted by albania
Adding insult to injury doesn't quite seem to sum up the feeling that this third hurricane brings. As for the news coverage, I agree but what do you expect weathermen are entertainers first and scientists third(i assume that most have a hobby they are better at). Although if you think about it has to be a form of entertainment, how else are you going to get someone to watch basically the same facts that everyone has, you need an edge. Doesn't make it right, but people watch it.
they could actually cover something else 
or, if people really feel the urge to watch constant updates and coverage of these natural disasters, wouldn't you prefer to see how people are actually handling things? I'd be into that more than seeing someone stand outside a tourist hotel...actually go out into the town and cover how they are evacuating/hunkering down...there's a thought: we might actually benefit from watching what the other places are doing right 
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann
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