I've been to Ren Faires all over the country, and seen many a sword booth. What I'd like to see is:
- More Knives. Many places have 2-3 knives, and the rest is all swords. Swords are big and eye catching, but a good sword is expensive as hell, and I can't wear one everywhere. Besides, I'm more the scholarly type, so if I ever join the SCA I'll have a knife.
- Space. Leave enough room so people who don't know how to draw a rapier from a frog don't knock over everything in the place.
- Real Blades. If I'm going to spend 800 american on a rapier, I want one that I can bend over my head 2 feet and the blade won't be out of true. And if that means I'm really going to be paying 1200 american, so be it.