Originally Posted by smooth
...I'm more pissed when the cashiers make me take my license out of my wallet--that's what the fucking plastic is for (and Cali driver's licenses have and always have the picture on the left when over 21 and on the right when under, big stamps across the top, red lettering date, & etc.--basically, you don't need a loupe to determine whether I'm 21+, but I digress....)
It's much easier to check whether the card is fake or not if you can see and touch it outside of the plastic cover. The only reason this would make sense is if (a) you look young enough that they think maybe the card is fake, or (b) store policy is to always make sure the card is presented out of any cover.
If it's store policy they may think it's annoying also, but what the heck, they are paid to follow policy. The store sets such goofy policies because "stings" have caught them selling to people with good fake IDs.
The "stings" were run by law enforcement, who work for the government. The government is those people who ultimately answer to you, the taxpaying voter.