What is this?
I...I really dont know how to explain this. I have been dating around for a while now and I think I have found something. Tonight I went over to this Woman's house that I have been dating for a while. We talk, go out, and have a good time; but that's not all. Tonight we kissed, but when we kissed I felt something, actually it was just before we kissed, it felt like...like my spirit and hers just became one. It almost felt like my soul was being sucked into her, yet when it was all over I felt like my soul (or spirit whatever) was better than before. She came three times before any clothing was removed and as a guy I was close to it as well. Everything was so perfect, everything was so different. I dont know this woman very well but this emotion...no it wasn't an emotion, it was a physical feeling. It just overwhelmed both of us. I dont know how to describe it other than that. I dont think I love this woman, but apparently I have never loved before. The problem is, that I dont know what to do. She is much older than I, and I dont want to hurt her at all. I am, right now at this moment, still dumbfounded by what has just happened so if any of this makes sence at all well, I'll be suprised.
I'm kind of jealous of the life I'm supposedly leading.
- Zach Braff