2 things:
1) I think it's deplorable the way this is being framed, not necessarily in this thread, but in terms of desiring that the bulk of the disaster occur elsewhere (cancun, etc.) in exchange for lighter pummeling on US citizens. ...and yeah, I recognize that some wish it wouldn't hit any place at all, but more than one commentator has stated it exactly in the terms I objected to...
2) what the hell kind of news coverage is this crap? I watched a reporter on FOX news stand out in the fucking porch and try and talk for fifteen minutes. more than once, he looked literally about to go over the edge of the railing. I watched because I wanted to see him get hurricaned away on "live" tv, which is why they show it....I assume. how sick--both of us
3) ok, three things (everything looks better with 3 points, no?)
best wishes from the west coast to the east. and hey, we know why you live there! same reasons I suspect why we live over here even though a nuclear/earthquake disaster is all but guaranteed in the not to distant future....but yeah, be safe fellow members and for fuck's sake don't stand outside with a mic and camera in your hand (but if you do, I'll be compelled to watch)