Originally Posted by bendsley
What kind of internet access do you want to deliver? High speed or dial-up? Dial-up is easy and I'll explain that if you want.
If you're looking for DSL-like access, you will need to basically be your own phone company as well.
Whatever you do, firewalls, routers, switches, Dslams and Stingers for DSL.....it just really depends on what you want to do.
For your backhaul, you will setup an agreement with a Tier 1 ISP, like Level3, UUNet, GoodNet, AT&T, Sprint, Qwest, etc. You need high bandwidth from your location to theirs; and a T1 will not cut it. Most ISPs have multiple DS3s or faster, plus you also must think of redundancy. Load-balancers, filtering, etc. is easy enough to setup on say Cisco equipment, which I would recommend.
The IP pool you would get from ARIN. They will assign you a block of IPs that you can put into your DHCP pool for users to pull from, so they have a world routable IP address.
Let me know if you want specifics and I'll post.
Bend & Cynth, thank you a great deal for your responses.
What If my goal was to feed a connection to say 5-8 homes via either dry-loop or pots based DSL.
From the line coming to my home, or to the co-location site, what does this really take to do?
Is it something scalable, so that if it worked it could be taken vertically to a larger audience.
Asking in part from the building the better moustrap mindset here.
Also, wasn't Arin limiting new IP address pools?