Not to jump off the party train, but I don't think what she said would have bothered me at all. The intent to scare or confuse is usually VERY apparent, and if it's not there, I'll return a random comment in kind. I personally don't mind hearing random shit from my baggers, grocers, hair cutters, whatever.. they're people too and I honestly don't mind being their counselor for a minute or two. Hey, its interesting shit to hear, if you ask me..
I probably woulda been like .. "No shit? Liver poisoning or suicide or what?" If she's comfortable telling me that someone died, then I wanna hear about it. To be honest, I find it REFRESHING when someone breaks the societal norms and is blantantly honest with everyone they meet.
EDIT: It should be noted that you can only behave this way if you have little or no inhibitions. That's why you get these kind of comments from drunk people, insane people, or superhonest people. I find these kind of people (generally) interesting, because you can get all sorts of hilarious insights out of them. I only wish my grocer at Safeway would tell me random shit about their life every time I came through -- I'd keep going back just so I could talk to them and ask how their dead husband or their new boyfriend were.. it adds personality -- no longer some sterile corporation that checks me out in silence..
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel
Last edited by Jinn; 10-21-2005 at 01:08 PM..