Most everything is staged when it comes to the government.
The president doesn't write his own speeches or make his own decisions.
They rehearse any and all interviews. That's why so many important questions are avoided (or the completely wrong answers given) during live sessions.
If the president has ever come to your town, or into a building near you - you'll know that everything is rehearsed. Back in 1996 when Clinton came to our High School... his actions or interactions with people were all scripted. People who asked questions were predetermined before the event began, and they had to submit their questions for approval.
The students who submitted questions were pulled out of class so they could be told not to stray from the submitted questions. "If the president says this, you ask this.."
It was very strange.
Then they made it look like he randomly picked people.
It's all a big scripted scene.. and a big reason why many people don't realize this is because they haven't been so "lucky" to have him visit them.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 10-21-2005 at 11:56 AM..