Originally Posted by maleficent
I could just imagine the lectures that people would get for buying cigarettes...
I've had people tell me they'll pray for me. I've had people refuse to sell me cigarettes "for my own good," I had one fellow jokingly ask for a sin tax in addition to the ol' regular tax(although I'm not so sure anymore that he was joking at all) and on more than one occasion, I've heard the tragic story of some mother/father/aunt/uncle/grandfather/second-cousin's-neighbor's-friend who died a slow, pitiful, painful death from tobacco.
I was in a local grocery store a few years back and in order to get my single pack of cigarettes, I had to wait in a regular checkout line (even if I had no other items), the cashier (once I got to her) had to escort me over to the tobacco shoppe (two p's and an e because I guess that's quiant), ask a supervisor to unlock the door, get the cigarettes, walk all the way back to the checkout lane and then she could ask for my I.D. When I first ran into this incredibly complicated dance o' tobacco, I cracked a joke about leaving a hair & blood sample for later comparison. She tells me they make it hard that way on purpose as most of "your kind" (yes, she used the phrase your kind) will usually just give up and walk away.
I've kind of hi-jacked the thread there a bit, so, I'll just leave it at...
I probably would've went with your response, "what? waiting in line at Kroger?" or something similarly sarcastic. I don't mind casual conversation, but this wasn't casual conversation.