A very uncomfortable checkout at the grocery store
So, I had a story that I thought I would share just for the sake of sharing an interesting story.
My wife came home last night from buying groceries at a certain very large southern grocery store chain that begins with a Kro and ends with a ger. She walks through the door and I can tell she is flustered. She looks at me and says, "I just had the most uncomfortable checkout at a grocery I've ever had in my life." This, coming from the woman who was accosted one time in the checkout line at Wal-Mart because she "looked too young to have children and she should be in school and not having babies". (my wife was 28 at the time, btw). So, of course, I had to listen to see what could be worse than that.
To precede this story, I want to mention that my wife also has our two children with her at the grocery store. My 3.75 year old son and my 1.25 year old son.
Okay, so my wife decides on a whim last night to buy some alcohol. This is a rarity for us. My wife will have a beer maybe every 6th time we go out to eat, and I drink probably no more than 10 alcoholic drinks a year. To have it at the house, is even more rare. Something that usually happens only when we have people over for a cookout. Well, I was out of town for work the past 4 days, and the wife wanted to relax a little during our cookout (I grilled some caesar parmesean burgers) and have a beer.
Now, getting to the meat of this story.... the lady is now checking my wife out and when she gets to the beer, of course asks for her ID. My wife hands her the ID and the lady reads off (12/14/72)? and my wife says, "No, 75, but hey, that's a good trick" to which the lady replies, "my husband died from this stuff.". /timeout --- What the? Who the? Fucking balls lady.. I mean seriously.. who just "throws" this into a conversation? ...okay, return to your regularly scheduled story.--- /timein. My wife just stood there stunned and eventually stammered, "I...I'm...sorry?" and the lady continued, "yah, from alcohol. it killed him"
My wife at this point is just so flustered she forgets to even give the lady her "kroger card" to get the actual price of the items (don't get me started on grocery chains and their dumbass cards). She finishes checking out and it dawns on her she forgot so she has to go to the customer service counter to get them to take the discount off her ticket. At this time, the manager asks her if something is wrong, because apparently my wife was that distressed by this encounter. She explains what happened and tried to be as sensitive as possible knowing that she doesn't know this women's situation. Regardless though, the woman was out of line, particularly speaking like that in front of our children. I mean, if my 3 year old were just a little bit older and picked up on the fact that the lady was saying, "these drinks here are what killed my husband, so they will probably kill your mommy and daddy", my wife would have been enraged and so would I have been.
So, anyway, there you go. I thought it was an interesting story. Feel free to comment.
I think that's what they mean by "nickels a day can feed a child." I thought, "How could food be so cheap over there?" It's not, they just eat nickels. - (supposedly) Peter Nguyen, internet hero