Originally Posted by shakran
Advice that's flat out wrong is not helpful. A header just might improve his performance.
How much of an improvement performance wise are we talking here? Honestly? Fact is, I'm right. You won't get major performance gains on any car with just a header swap. Not even the V8s. He got maybe 5 HP, 10 at best and maybe an additional 3 ft lbs of torque. He'll do 0-60 one sixteenth of a second faster now. Care to dispute that?
Originally Posted by shakran
I didn't correct him and his behavior because he had it right.
Not on the tech part of the post (which wasn't informatitive at all), but on this:
thanks chief, your wisdom is unsurpassed in these matters
Are you his defender? Is it OK to be rude only to the people who don't sugar coat things? I guess so.
Originally Posted by shakran
You came in here wanting to act like this guy's car is inferior simply because it's a civic. That kind of bullshit attitude is wrongheaded, unnecessary, and it doesn't help fix the car.
That's not the attitude I had until someone came at me with attitude. And I did tell him how to fix it. The other guy just told him to buy a new part and check a message board. That's not a solution to his problem. Telling him what it takes to make the car faster (that is what he's trying to do afterall), how to salvage a part so he doesn't have to spend more money, and what the possible causes for his exhaust leak are is a good post. Telling him to take pictures, check a message board (which he's already doing) and buy a new part aren't helpful posts.
The fact of the matter is, it takes a lot more than a header to see performance improvement. It's that simple, and if you truly believe otherwise you fall into the category of the unknowledgeable that I was talking about. Don't get mad at me because of it.
Here, maybe this will be more to your liking.
To the original poster: since you already have the new header (and if you can afford it), replace the entire exhaust system with something aftermarket. Hedman, Dynomax, and Flowmaster are good choices. Check
Summit Racing for prices. Back pressure is bad. You'll hear the uninformed talking about it like it's a good thing. What you want is an exhaust that's as free flowing as possible. Also, add a K&N filter. If you improve your air intake as well as exhaust you'll probably notice a difference. You will not notice one with just a header. The exhaust is still being restricted once it leaves the header. This restriction is what back pressure is. That is what you need to know. To find out how to do it and what parts to buy visit the other forums posted in this thread and read up. My suggestion is to use the same manufacturer as your header for the entire exhaust system.
You already have my advice for your immediate questions. The above paragraph is something to mill over for the future.