Originally Posted by waltert
thanks chief, your wisdom is unsurpassed in these matters 
Apparently he didn't already know, so to him it is wisdom. Your post was quite uninformative, so apparently the same holds true for you. It takes more than a sticker pack and fart muffler to make one of those shit cans fast. Unfortunately, the majority of the import crowd doesn't know that. They see an ad for a header that says you'll gain 20 HP and they think it's instant. What they don't know is that it takes all of the stuff I listed (and then some) to see that performance gain of 20 HP. To someone who doesn't know, that information is helpful.
Now, this is the part where you step back into the conversation and tell me all about the guy you know that has this and that done to his Civic and how it'll beat any POS domestic that I own.