Sounds like my story from last summer. I think about July or so.
I decided on a whim to cut my hair shorter than normal. I usually had my hair spiked with hair gel/glue and decided to try something different, so instead of going to the barber, I went and took the clippers and guard number four and went to work.
Much to my dismay... I noticed that there was thinning hair. I went from having thick hair a year before, to thinning hair a year later.
I went to the doctor and he told me Propecia would be my best best; but wasn't sure if I was actually going bald or not. ( No family history )
So, I took propecia; but it was to expensive for me and decided to stop. I then started to do it...
I went from the number four guard with the razor... to the number 1 guard within four weeks. The fifth week, I took the razor to my head and shaved it all off.
I've been totally bald for a little more than a year now. I actually get mixed comments. Most of my friends would love to see my spiked hair grow out; but to be honest... I'm bald and loving it.
I'm saving more money with not buying shampoo, gel, the barbers, combs, ect.. ect...
Yes, I'm bald and damn proud of it!!!!