My vet is a long time friend of mine - we were in the same high school class. Her dad was always our family vet growing up, and after college she went to vet school and then started working with him. When my wife and I got a dog after we were first married, he was one of her first patients. Sadly after we'd had him only a month he dug out of our yard, was struck by a car, and shattered his jaw (also broke a leg). The leg healed fine. The shattered jaw required a very long surgery - both our old vet (the dad) and the new vet (my friend) ended up putting several pins in his jaw and when he came out there were wires everywhere. He was on a liquid dogfood diet with his jaw wired shut for 8 weeks - that was tough. But when they pulled out all the hardware, he had recovered exceptionally well other than a lower tooth that always stuck out after that. It was funny because he was the friendliest dog in the world but after that accident when he'd approach people with that tooth hanging out, they'd start to reach to pet him, then do a double-take and think twice of it... It gave him that junkyard dog look.
Anyway, 14 years later when it was time to put him to sleep (terminal cancer), my vet cried harder than I we did I think. She sent us straight home, wouldn't let me stop at the desk to pay, said she'd send a bill. She never did.
Not sure why I shared that story... I doubt it's interesting to anybody outside of my family...