Originally Posted by Redlemon
Excellent. Details, please?
Well, as I've mentioned in various other threads, I was seeing a coworker for a while. She wasn't my boss initially, and we were at different offices, so everything was ok. Soon enough we were sent to the same office and she was now my boss. We managed to keep it a secret for many months, until one day on the way back from lunch we were caught. I was driving casually on the freeway in the slow lane as I wasn't exactly in a hurry and she was going to town on me. I drive a yellow car, not very common in these parts, and thus easily noticed. As it turns out, some coworkers were also returning from lunch, noticed my car and pulled up alongside us on the driver side to wave hello. They were in a van and thus had a higher vantage point than a car like mine would have afforded. I never even noticed them as my attention was otherwise occupied. I can only imagine the looks on their faces. When we got back to the office our coworkers couldn't suppress their shit-eating grins and I suspected we were found out. They soon confirmed it with goodhearted ribbing. Not too long after we split, for unrelated reasons.
So I heartily disagree with those who say car sex is for kids without a place of their own. How unimaginative! Some of the best sex I've had is with said former-boss in her roomy Chrysler. There's something to be said for going back to work after having had a nooner knowing that your coworkers spent their lunch at TGI Friday's. Suddenly one doesn't mind being at work so much.