It's a pretty good article as far as it goes, but it can only assume republican/pro-life (gawd, I hate that term) and democrat/pro-choice. Our past governor, Christy Whitman, while being a republican, was not ultra-conservative in the matters of a woman's right to choose. And, I have a problem with some democrats who wear their catholism boldly, yet say they are pro-choice. Seems self-contradictory, although plausible, I guess.
There is an issue with abortions being available to the poor as well. Poor families, as a whole, have more children than middle class, who have more children than upper-class. Is this due to an ignorance of services available or a choice alone? Every woman I know who has had an abortion-and I do know more than 2-was NOT poor at all.
It's just a damned shame that instead of saying what side of the abortion fence one sits on, that not all can agree on the need for more education. The funds spent on educating everyone on the ways of birth control, etc would save so much in the future. *sigh*
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.