Locobot - my own personal feelings aside that article is extremely biased, the basic assumptions made completely invalidate most of the argument by simply excluding the majority of the people that would be affected by a situation like this.
To chip in my own two cents on the thread, I've often been extremely perplexed by the total lack of compromise demonstrated by both sides of the spectrum. To preface this, I grew up extremely pro-life, and remained that way until around the time I graduated high school and started to learn certain things about the way the world really works, one of those things being what it truly means to be a parent. For the most part I am still against abortion for the simple fact that most of my experience with it has been people that got abortions out of simple selfishness, and I think that's just totally fucked up, pardon the pun.
I've said it in other threads, but why not simply add a level of mediation to the abortion process and grant both parties at least some measure of what they ask for. Introduce a trained counsellor to the system that reviews all abortion requests, so that things like the woman who's having her fourth abortion in 16 months because she's worried about her figure but too lazy to be on birth control and be referred to a psychologist instead of an abortion clinic, but the woman that's worried about her babies welfare could discuss future birth control options, speak with an adoption specialist, or get an abortion if it is in her and/or the babies best interest.
The rough system in my head is a lot more complex than that of course, there needs to be checks and balances in it to remove as much of the subjective decision as possible so that you don't stomp on the pro-choice options OR the pro-life options, though as much as I might think about it with the politics involved no sweeping change to the system is ever truly possible, there just isn't enough logic to facilitate it.
And these people denounce middle eastern religious extremists *shaking his head*
Halfway to hell and picking up speed.