Originally Posted by Marvelous Marv
I spent an hour and a half two days prior to my return flight talking to “Tom.”
Hehehe, yes, the wonderful world of Outsourcing in action. "Tom" was probably 8,000 miles away working in a cubicle farm in Bangalore, India. Jet Blue keeps it closer to home: all their ticket agents work out of their homes in Salt Lake City. I've never flown JB, but I understand they are quite a successful upstart airline company, and satellite tv for every seat sounds like a damn good idea. Unfortunately, they don't fly out of my city.
You might write an email or snail mail to a Higher Up at United. I received a 100% refund from Orbitz last year for booking the wrong flight online. I accidently hit the RETURN key when I tabbed too far, and the "Book This Flight" button was highlighted. They were very polite and understanding...I still think I got away with murder.