If you compare to Job, the absolute agony of losing everything and being stricken with disease, the comparison ends.
You know, the crux of the agreement is to not expect ANYTHING. What a deal. We have to have faith that Heaven and the afterlife will be such a reward that it will all be worth it. That's some real faith there.
Job is held up as an example of one who was rewarded terra firma.
Paul didn't have many good days. He started writing to Timothy to get him up to speed before he was put to death. He supposedly received his reward in Heaven.
It's hard for those of us leading regular lives with all these new fangled things like mortgages, Visa, etc. to identify with these two guys. The fact is, faith should be helpful in your life, not hurtful. If you find being a Christian is hurtful to you, re-examine your beliefs, and by all means, look at other ways to worship. I've lived in the bible belt most of my life and know how "church families" can be preventative to healthy faith. They are as dysfunctional as any family. Like how Job and Paul used faith, it's supposed to help you deal.
When Paul knew he was going to basically live a life in prison and then be killed, he told Timothy to tell the church to avoid timidity, live with spirit, power, and love. There was nothing there about being straight laced, wearing a conforming tie, and driving a sedan. I think it's a good rule whether you're Christian, Hindi, Muslim, or atheist.
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet