Originally Posted by Blackthorn
I will still spit on Oby's shoes if he trades Jr. Spend the extra Jr. gate $ on additional pitching. The man draws a crowd to see an otherwise useless endeavor. Useless except that organizations that have figured out how to win still need a doormat to step on year after year. 

They aren't that bad, they truly need pitching, signing Milton was not very smart, but they truly tried. Randa was a tremendous signing, unfortunately, they traded him away.
But if you look at the second half, the team was coming on strong. I think this offseason get Lindner to open his wallet and grab some pitching and keep Dunn, Kearns and Casey and this team could be elite.
There's no doubt in my mind JR ain't going anywhere, he makes the REDS too much money, and the fan revolt would be too destructive and it would take years for ownership to rebuild any respect with the fans.