A couple of coping methods:
1. Stop accommodating them. If they're late for the movie, dinner, whatever, start without them. Oh well!
2. Tell them an earlier time - my friend Sharon is always at least 20 minutes late, so we just tell her to be there 1/2 hour earlier than we plan to be there.
3. Quit being polite about it. Chances are they apogize for being late and you say "oh that's all right" or whatever nice thing we say to keep the peace. Tell them flat out, this makes me really mad!
These are just band-aids. The real issue is, as someone pointed out, control. My advice would be to talk to them about how much you enjoy spending time with them, but how not-valued it makes you feel to have them constantly wasting your time by being late. In the end, you might decide that spending time with these people is not worth the aggravation of being stepped on all the time.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France