I don't know why everyone expects every store to have a bathroom you can use, regardless of whether you're a "paying customer" or not, to the point where they'll yell and scream about your lack of facilities. Now, if someone wants to open a Marbucks across the street that serves all the same ridiculously expensive bullshit, but has a nice public bathroom, then that's serving the demand of the public, and they will profit from it. "Good customer service" doesn't mean "absolutely required".
But then, i'm not sure why anyone expects anything from an establishment that intentionally makes up stupid, complicated names for everything so the people who shop there can feel even more elitest and snobby than they already do, paying $15 for a cup of coffee and a muffin.
And to the people who push the "they are your cutomers, they are the reason you have a job" and blah blah, are 99% of the time the same assholes who treat the retail people like morons, slaves, and degenerates, and tell them to get a real job, etc. If they all followed your advice, there'd be no one for you to treat like shit and give you the coffee fix you addictively crave.