Why is it so bad that they didn't have a public restroom?
It seems to me that a coffee shop without a bathroom would move the customer 'traffic' a bit faster than one that did. If they have to seek relief elsewhere, it keeps them from clogging up the tables while they nurse a single 'Grande Soy Mocha' for hours on end.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
In fairness, it is pretty unusual for a place to serve food and drink not to have a toilet available to people.
Not so strange, Strange. When I was in the 'food service,' which is really a euphemism for "Sixth Circle of Hell," the restaurant I managed tried to keep a public restroom. It didn't work out. They were always messy, requiring an inordinate amount of attention, so customer service suffered. Not to mention, it seemed to draw large groups of high school kids, for what reason, I couldn't say, but I used to walk into the middle of all sorts of shit. Guys fighting, guys smoking pot, one fellow selling drugs, one guy had his 'girlfriend' (to this day, I still think 'she' was a he) in there, the list goes on and on. Eventually my boss decided to just close the public restroom. The only good decision he ever made, in my opinion.