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Old 10-15-2005, 11:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
la petite moi
Filling the Void.
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Location: California
I Just Don't Understand People! (Rant)

You know, I just don’t understand some people. They act SO rude and so childish, it’s as though (pardon the cliche) they were raised in a barn.

Tonight around five minutes before close, a large group of guys and girls (skanky ones, at that) came sauntering in. Then, following them, a large crowd of people. So there was a line five minutes until close.

I quickly sprung into action, getting drink orders. I asked Skank A what she was going to order. "Grande Soy Mocha, with no whip," she replied. Great. So I hand the cup to Donna (the partner on bar), and direct her to Domino (partner on register) to ring her up. She ignores me. She ignores Domingo that is asking her to come over to his register. Finally, impatiently, I firmly say: "Ladies, Domingo can ring you up over here." Her response was: "So then why the fuck did you do that?" referring to me getting her order, while Domingo was ringing up another person ahead of her. I just answered, "Because I needed to get everyone elses orders behind you," and then moved on to the next customer in line.

So then, Skank B (friend of Skank A) moves along to the bar and asks rudely: "You guys don’t gotta bathroom?" No, we don’t. She replies, "That’s illegal; I’m pregnant." Of course, she’s getting coffee. REEEAALLLL good for that deformed, misfortunate child growing inside Miss Skank B. Donna answers, "We don’t have a public restroom, bput there is one down the street at Peggy Sue’s and the Spaghetti Factory." Skank B: "I’d like to speak to your manager!" Donna says that the manager is not here right now, but would you like to speak with her on the phone? "YES!" screams the bitch. So Donna doesn’t get ahold of her, but does leave a message describing the whole thing that’s unfolding. Finally the Skanks and their idiotic and unfortunate boytoys leave.

It’s not over...keep reading.

About fifteen minutes later, Skank A and her posse returns, and start wrenching the door around in the doorframe. No, she didn’t knock on the window, or tap, or just jiggle the handle. It’s banging around (which is not good for the door, as it’s locked), and so I look up and mouth, "We’re closed." She screams so that I can hear her: "I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!!!" I walk to the door, and say through the window, "We’re closed." She screams, "DID I LEAVE MY KEYS ON THE COUNTER?" I look around and finally say, "No." She leaves without saying thank you.

Later on, ANOTHER FINE speciman of ladies (hear my sarcasm?) is walking by Domingo who is bringing in outside chairs and tables. They ask: "Can we use your guys’ bathroom?" No, says Domingo, we don’t have a public restroom. The girl responds, "We ain’t the public!" Yes, you are; get over it. Domingo laughs uneasily and says, "Sorry, have a nice evening." As soon as Domingo has closed and locked the door again, the girl walks past the window and slams her two fists as hard as she can against the window.

Wow....just wow. It makes you wonder about people. Are bathrooms that fucking important?! And is it that hard to walk a half block and pay a quarter to use one? Sad...just sad. And we’ve had other instances. I’ve been threatened at least three times by people saying they’ll sue Starbucks or get me fired. Sigh..."I’m an architect; I know you have a restroom, and my wife is pregnant!"

Anyway, I wish I could have flipped Skank A off when she came back for her keys. Even if they were there I would have flushed them. Then again, as Donna said: "That would be stooping to their level."


On another note, Kevin and I got our hair cut and coloured. It is so hot!

Here are some pictures for everyone to see:

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