I gave up on 64 bit and installed media center 2005. So far so good, except for the damn nvidia firewall with the nforce board. Everything runs great as long as it is disabled.
So far my most complex CAD drawing hasn't made the new system hesitate when I re-render. Performs better then I expected running HL2. I kinda wish I would I threw down for a 6800 or 7800, but the 6600GT is doing fine. For now. Also, A divx-dvd conversion took a little longer then I expected.
I am dissapointed in the sound-suppressing capabilities of the Antec sonota II. Still humming away. I don't have a fair comparison for noise (my old dell laptop and an old single fan emachine that my wife bought 5 years ago around the time we met).
Either way, to stay a little bit relavent to the thread, I'm pretty happy with the AMD, although I think I would be happy with the intel as well. I decided based on a deal that presented itself; if I was going higher end I think I would have gone intel. As it stands now, I'm content with the potential of my nforce4 ultra mobo.