WarioWare is all about gimmicks. It's not that it's a bad thing. I'm really looking forward to a WarioWare Revolution. It'll all be little gimmicks, stupid things to do with the controller. I'm buying it. It'll be one of the most influential games on the system as well. Companies will grab ideas from those microgames.
Your Yoshi-to-Kirby point proves what I was saying. They're learning how to use the hardware. Whenever there's new hardware, alot of what I call "half games" are released. Companies are inexperienced with the new hardware, and have to learn how to use it effectively. Games will come out that inspire other developers, they will take that concept, develop it furthere, and better games swing around.
I heard Square Enix gave Nintendo a call telling them that one of their people had a good idea for controlling a Basketball game. Then Nintendo was like "Make it". And so we will have a Mario 3 on 3 basketball game from the makers of Final Fantasy. If we respond well to it, maybe developers will take that a step further.
When I got PS2, I was all excited for Bungie's Oni. Oni was an incredible experience for me. It was the first time I played a game that combined a third person shooter with martial arts moves, and let you fight seamlessly with both techniques. I don't know if it was the first, but it was certainly PS2's first. Later games like Enter the Matrix, or maybe even Devil May Cry, took that further.
You're right about competition though. I'd forgotten. I had a Neo Geo Pocket Color back in 2000. Also had a Gameboy color. The NeoGeo was ages ahead of the GBC. GBC wasn't even comparible to the NES really, in terms of hardware. I remember being pissed at Nintendo for not even trying. And more pissed when the better piece of hardware flopped. GBA came out though, and for the last 4 years, it was alone in the portable marketplace as far as I and many others were concerned.
Edit: Rereading your post, hulk, I thought I'd clarify my last one. The mic use in the new Lunar is gimmicky. I haven't played Nintendogs (yet) but I've heard good things about the mic use. I think it was really put there for use in online multiplayer. That would be great, if bandwidth supports it. Better yet, the DS could be used as a wireless Voice over IP device, if a game company could use that in a game. Easier than whipping out the stylus in an online gameroom.
Not my kinda thing (anymore) but a Pokemon game that accepts voice commands would be brilliant. "Pikachu, thunder shock!" The kids would go nuts.
Blowing into the mic to run is just stupid though
this is a big edit...
I do it for the rare drops
Last edited by t3m3st; 10-15-2005 at 09:56 PM..