Originally Posted by AVoiceOfReason
I'm not interested enough in this stuff to keep up with it, but does A-Rod have a reputation among his teammates with the Yankees as being in it all for himself? He moved to 3rd base without any fuss, even though he's probably a better shortstop than Jeter. A-Rod performs in the field and at the plate better than anyone on that team. I'm just curious if the guys that play with him have the same feeling that he's not a team guy.
As for greed ruling him, we could say the same about just about any player that switches teams. Glavine and Maddox were a part of something special in the Braves rotation, but they left for a bigger contract than they were going to get with Atlanta. Did they NEED more money? That's not my place to say, since what someone else makes is none of my business--that's between them and the one that signs the check.
For $25 Million a year, A-Rod I"m sure would play 3rd and not raise a stink.
Perhaps, in the clubhouse he's the model player, but I'm sorry anyone going to a team and accepting a contract they KNOW will hinder the team from truly ever winning (while he is there), tells me that he put his greed above the team and above winning.
Meanwhile, JR I believe (and I maybe wrong) has in the past restructured his contract so that players like Casey, Dunn and at the time Graves could stay in Cincy. Why? Because JR knows he can't do it alone.
As for Maddox and Glavine, Maddox and Glavine weren't resigned because the team felt they were getting too old and wanted longer contracts than the pitching rich Braves wanted to give out to those 2 (and it appears they were right in doing so).
There are many reasons players go the Free Agency route and sign with other teams, not always is it about the money.