I have mine, so price of the hardware. It seems to be prices of games are shooting up anyways. That'll get me buying. I bought Wipeout for $50 CAD in June. Saw it for $70 yesterday... I hear the new GTA will be $60.
What really heats my grill is they're the same price as thier console counterparts, but the games are usually less developed, and I can't play them on my TV. PSP should have had RCA out. At least I can play my GBA games on my TV when I'm home.
I really think that's the future of gaming, right there. If I'm at home, I connect to the TV. If I go out, I pick up the system and play on the go. If I go to a buddy's house, we can play wireless multiplayer. If he has 2 TV's, we can use those. Hook a wireless controller up if you need extra players. The technology isn't there yet, and I wouldn't know how to store the games, but who knows... It would be smart. I think this is going to happen to PC's too... We'll see....
Anyways, does anyone know how to turn a PC into a LocationFree hub? Is it even possible? I'd upgrade for that...
I do it for the rare drops