Send her packing. If she doesn't trust you or believe you it's not worth the trouble. If you were married you would just have to tell her grow up and get over it.
See, the problem is that women think men only have female friends hoping one day she'll take off her pants and bend over. Which for the most part is true. But men are capable of having female friends they don't wanna fuck. Most of these girls are ugly. We keep them around took make us look more sensitive. Like we really care about the oppisite sex. We don't. For the most part we hate you and if you didn't have that wonderful thing between your legs and the ability to suck a golf ball through a garden hose we wouldn't talk to you. We don't care about your day, your mother, or anything else you care to talk about.
But it does go the other way. Women don't like men. That like cock. It's that simple. Whe masturbation gets a little old a woman will go in search of a guy that's dumb enough to put up with her shit long enough to ride. Then once he wakes up and realizes he's been married for six years, has two kids, and scented candles in his bathroom he freaks out and bangs some chick he works with in the copy room.
I got off on a rant there...
heavy is the head that wears the crown