Originally Posted by guthmund
Just to clarify a bit...I'm not worried about his acting ability. There's a certain something that Bond has to have. Connery had it in spades, Moore kind of touched it every once in a while and Dalton was never anywhere near it. Brosnan, however, was probably the best Bond ever. Not the stories; the stories were convoluted confusing crap for the most part, but the essence of James Bond is? Brosnan had it.
Suave. James Bond has to be suave. And I agree with you--Connery had it, Brosnan had it, but I don't see this guy as having it. I'm happy with the direction theyre taking the series, but I'm not sure that this guy was the best choice. If they're gonna make it just another action movie, leave it to the Bourne series, James Bond still has to have that suave, debonair manner. I dunno, I'll try to see Layer Cake, but that might be hard given that I'm living in Germany at the moment and a German dub would totally lose it all in translation.
As for the gadgets, a few well done gadgets have always been a part of the movies, but recently they were taken completely overboard. I think Brosnan was a close second actor to Connery, but that he was just given crap movies to work with--with the exception of Goldeneye, which was as close to classic bond as we have come recently.