Hmm, in response to that:
The mic use has been limited for most games, purely because of it's nature. With Nintendogs, though, it work well, and the ability to use it for voice chat online is awesome.
Yoshi's Touch and Go was an experiment, true, but so are most launch titles. Super Mario 64 was much the same on the N64. Kirby's new game for the DS expands on the same technique, and does it much better than YT&G. So, it served it's purpose.
Calling Warioware gimmicky, too, is just silly. Have you ever played WW? The entire premise is based around microgames. Four seconds at a time is hardly enough for any particular one to be gimmicky.
As for the days of the one portable, well, Sony certainly livened things up. Think about it, they add primitive colour to the GameBoy, and they're on top. The add some more processor power, a few more colours and shoulder buttons and they have the GBA. Make the GBA a new shape, they had the SP. Add a screen, microphone, wireless, true 3D, touch screen, and you have the DS. It's a major jump, and very much thanks to Sony's presence.
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.