Originally Posted by alansmithee
I'll echo what others said about his swing-always seemed really easy and natural. And I've always been a Griffey Jr. fan. It was too bad that things turned out the way they did in Cincy. He deserved better than the series of injuries he's had there.
One thing I do wonder is what he must think of A-Rod. I mean, Junior takes less money to be in his hometown (and when his deal signed it was ridiculously below market value) and sees his career basically tank due to injuries. But Pay-Rod basically takes a huge contract that ensures that he will never win anything in one city, and then is bailed out of there by the Yankees (which is the only team that could realistically afford his deal and still compete). I know if it were me, I'd be sticking pins in A-Rod voodoo dolls almost constantly.
One went for money, one stayed true to himself.
The one who went for money WILL never have the true feeling of winning a WS ring (his team may win one but the true value of winning it, he'll never experience, greed rules his life and greed will destroy him eventually).
The one who stayed true to himself, something deep inside me says before he retires, the REDS WILL win him that ring.