Originally Posted by shazbotus
Wow, they've been pretty busy adding and fixing things. I guess that's both good and bad. It should have been there in the first place, but congrats to them for working at it and keeping updates coming to users.
The things they're fixing probably aren't what you're thinking of... You see, on firmware versions less than 2.0 (anything other than 2.01 and 2.5) you can exploit the software to run programs off the memory stick. This is a really cool thing to do because it means you can run a huge number of emulators, free games, and other nifty things people have created. That's right... you can play all your SNES games on your PSP. Some clever hackers out there have also figured out how to make PSP games run off the memory stick also. This is also a pretty cool trick because the level load times goes WAY down and your battery last a lot longer. The only drawback, and it's a big one, is that it has opened the door to rampant piracy. The only "fixes" that Sony has released stop you from running programs off the memory stick. All the other stuff they've done is to make sure you install it. Each time Sony patches a hole, they have to add some bells and whistles too - otherwise there's no reason to update.
Congrats Sony? Nah... they're not doing us any favors. It's all a calculated plan to control what you can and cannot do with
their machine.