Originally Posted by pigglet
have you seen layer cake? other than o'brien from star trek being a mobster (i hate to type cast, but that shit cracked me up) i thought this guy did a good job in "that type" of role. after roger moore, then dalton, and then pierce brosnan, i wonder if connery would fit the modern day mold of 007...and i think he's the best they've ever had, by far, hands down. roger moore got really dicey in the 80's if you ask me, but then again it was the 80's. i mean, duran duran. at least that's my opinion.
what i thought was funny was the line "it's not about redefing it, just about taking it somewhere it's never been before." huh?
Okay, Okay...I'm going to watch Layer Cake since so many of you seem to think that it's going to change minds about this guy.
Just to clarify a bit...I'm not worried about his acting ability. There's a certain
something that Bond has to have. Connery had it in spades, Moore kind of touched it every once in a while and Dalton was never anywhere near it. Brosnan, however, was probably the best Bond ever. Not the stories; the stories were convoluted confusing crap for the most part, but the essence of James Bond is? Brosnan had it.
Oh well, maybe the new kid has it...I'm off to see if I can pick up Layer Cake....