Well, a lot of it depends on her level of insecurity and whether or not she trusts you.
I respect Shani for her ability to trust. I know that I have struggled with this issue a LOT in the past, with every boyfriend I've had... have only just recently (over the summer) begun to feel differently about it. It has taken a lot of work and self-analysis on my part to let go of my knee-jerk jealousy and just TRUST my bf. Does your girlfriend ever apologize or feel bad later, for being jealous?
Momentary feelings are one thing, but if she doesn't feel bad later for not trusting you, I think that could be a problem. When ktspktsp and I have struggled with this, I usually end up talking it out later and we discuss my reaction. Communication and self-reflection is really key.
By the way, what was with your title?... it sounded a lot worse than it was. Do you consider it cheating, or are you saying that because your gf sees it that way? Let me ask you, when something big happens in your life, who is the first person you want to talk with? Your gf or your friend? I hope it's your gf, but maybe she doesn't know that because you might not tell her how you feel. I'd make it clear that she is an emotional priority for you, that there's no one else you'd rather talk to. There is something to be said for emotional infidelity... many break-ups/divorces have happened as a result of something that started out as "just friends," but I guess that's hard to control. Let's see what others say.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran