I just finished 1984. While it was a good read, I was expecting something that was life-changing and influential. The ending, [not a spoiler], wasn't what I expected it to be and just seemed a bit disappointing [I'll leave it as that].
A bit of a surprise that Orwell was such a nymp.
It took me nearly two months to finish the book, as a result of being shelved pretty often due to other reading at college.
Next up: [See signature] Vonnegut's cat's cradle. This will be #4 for me [after SH5, BoC, DD], and another excellent book, if it's on par with the others. Plus, it will be a great read to get away from the academic reading.
After that, who knows - probably the book versions of either trainspotting, godfather, or fear and loathing in LV.
catcha back on the flipside,